Work Anytime with 24/hr Access

USTATION is open and accessible to members 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. This means that you can work at the times that are best and most convenient for you. Here are some benefits of anytime access to a professional and tech-enabled coworking space. 

Flexibility in Work Hours

Thankfully, many people are now able to exercise at least some control of their working hours as well as work location. On days that you can work outside the office, it is helpful to have a place to go that still feels like work but provides a change of scenery. Some people like the consistency of regular days outside the home or office while others are more spur of the moment. USTATION is ready to receive you.

Work and Life Integration

Maybe an appointment takes you into the city and you have time to kill, or you are waiting for a child to finish a practice. We all have blocks in our day that could be used for work and, provided we have a place to work, we can free up time in other parts of our day. It can also make use of commute or dead time. 

Meet Pressing Deadlines

Even the best plans fall through and situations beyond your control happen. While a healthy balance dictates that you protect your personal time, things happen and deadlines loom. Get out of the house and away from distractions at any time of day.

Range of Work Hours

Simply put, not everyone works or even wants to work from 9:00 - 5:00. Some people have partners that work shift work and they would like to line up their schedules to optimize time spent with loved ones. Some people simply do their best work in the middle of the night or at the crack of dawn. Some people like to work their weekends and take days off. Time zones

Reduced Commute Time

Some members may live in areas where traffic is lighter during off-peak hours, reducing their commute time to the coworking space and making it more convenient to access at any time.

Whether you are part of the 5:00 am club or have a burst of energy at midnight, USTATION members have access to everything they need to #GetToWork.

Enhanced Member Value

Ultimately, we serve our members and their diversity. Work anytime means anytime that works for our members whether that be 5:00 am or midnight! Worktime preferences are as diverse as our members and our keyless entry means that they have access whenever they need to work.

Networking Opportunities

Extended hours mean more opportunities for networking and socializing with other members. People from different industries and backgrounds can meet and collaborate, potentially leading to new business partnerships and ideas at any time of the day.

No matter when you want to work, our members have access to a tech-enabled space that will inspire them to #GetToWork.

Glen Hicks